Title: INGENIAS-SCRUM Development Process for Multi-Agent Development Year: 2009 Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-540-85862-1 Issn: 1867-5662, pp. 108-117 Volumen: 50 Conference Name: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI'2008) Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Juan Carlos González Moreno, I. García Magariño, Alma Gómez Rodríguez, J. Gómez Sanz
Title: Modeling Processes of AOSE Methodologies by Means of a New Editor Year: 2009 Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-540-85862-1 Issn: 1867-5662 Volumen: 50 Pages: 672 - 681 Conference Name: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI'2008) Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Juan Carlos González Moreno, I. García Magariño, Alma Gómez Rodríguez
Title: Definition of Process Models for Agent-Based Development Year: 2009 Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-642-01337-9 Pages: 29 - 36 City: Estoril Country: Portugal Conference Name: 9th International Workshop Impact factor: CORE 2008 C Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Juan Carlos González Moreno, Alma Gómez Rodríguez, I. García Magariño
Title: INGENIAS-SCRUM Development Process for Multi-Agent Development Year: 2009 Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-540-85862-1 Issn: 1867-5662, pp. 108-117 Volumen: 50 Conference Name: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI'2008) Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Juan Carlos González Moreno, I. García Magariño, Alma Gómez Rodríguez, J. Gómez Sanz
Title: Modeling Processes of AOSE Methodologies by Means of a New Editor Year: 2009 Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-540-85862-1 Issn: 1867-5662 Volumen: 50 Pages: 672 - 681 Conference Name: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI'2008) Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Juan Carlos González Moreno, I. García Magariño, Alma Gómez Rodríguez
Title: Definition of Process Models for Agent-Based Development Year: 2009 Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-642-01337-9 Pages: 29 - 36 City: Estoril Country: Portugal Conference Name: 9th International Workshop Impact factor: CORE 2008 C Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Juan Carlos González Moreno, Alma Gómez Rodríguez, I. García Magariño
Title: INGENIAS-SCRUM Development Process for Multi-Agent Development Year: 2009 Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-540-85862-1 Issn: 1867-5662, pp. 108-117 Volumen: 50 Conference Name: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI'2008) Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Juan Carlos González Moreno, I. García Magariño, Alma Gómez Rodríguez, J. Gómez Sanz
Title: Definition of Process Models for Agent-Based Development Year: 2009 Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-642-01337-9 Pages: 29 - 36 City: Estoril Country: Portugal Conference Name: 9th International Workshop Impact factor: CORE 2008 C Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Juan Carlos González Moreno, Alma Gómez Rodríguez, I. García Magariño
Title: Modeling Processes of AOSE Methodologies by Means of a New Editor Year: 2009 Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-540-85862-1 Issn: 1867-5662 Volumen: 50 Pages: 672 - 681 Conference Name: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI'2008) Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Juan Carlos González Moreno, I. García Magariño, Alma Gómez Rodríguez
Title: INGENIAS-SCRUM Development Process for Multi-Agent Development Year: 2009 Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-540-85862-1 Issn: 1867-5662, pp. 108-117 Volumen: 50 Conference Name: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI'2008) Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Juan Carlos González Moreno, I. García Magariño, Alma Gómez Rodríguez, J. Gómez Sanz
Title: Definition of Process Models for Agent-Based Development Year: 2009 Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-642-01337-9 Pages: 29 - 36 City: Estoril Country: Portugal Conference Name: 9th International Workshop Impact factor: CORE 2008 C Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Juan Carlos González Moreno, Alma Gómez Rodríguez, I. García Magariño
Title: Modeling Processes of AOSE Methodologies by Means of a New Editor Year: 2009 Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-540-85862-1 Issn: 1867-5662 Volumen: 50 Pages: 672 - 681 Conference Name: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI'2008) Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Juan Carlos González Moreno, I. García Magariño, Alma Gómez Rodríguez
Title: PEABS: A Process for developing Efficient Agent-Based Simulators Year: 2015 Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Editorial: Elsevier [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2015.09.003] Issn: 0952-1976 Volumen: 46, Part A Pages: 104 - 112 Impact factor: 2.368 (Q1) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Computer Science, Artificial Inteligence Type: Journal Articles Authors: Alma Gómez Rodríguez, I. García Magariño, Juan Carlos González Moreno, Guillermo Palacios-Navarro