Title: Quasi-linear time heuristic to solve the Euclidean traveling salesman problem with low gap Journal: Journal of Computational Science Editorial: Elsevier [doi.org/10.1016/j.jocs.2024.102424] Issn: 1877-7503 Volumen: 82
Pages: 1 - 12 Type: Journal Articles Authors: A. Formella
Title: ECGDT: a graphical software tool for ECG diagnosis Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications Editorial: Springer [open access] Issn: 1573-7721 Volumen: 83
Pages: 42799 - 42815 Type: Journal Articles Authors: Arturo Méndez Penín, María José Lado Touriño, Víctor Mondelo Visuña
Title: Numerical analysis of a swelling poro-thermoelastic problem with second sound Journal: Mathematics Editorial: MDPI - Open Access Publishing [open access] Issn: 2227-7390 Volumen: 11
Number: 6
Pages: 1 - 14 Type: Journal Articles Authors: José R. Fernández, María Rodríguez Damián, Noelia Bazarra
Title: Machine Learning Applied to the Oxygen-18 Isotopic Composition, Salinity and Temperature/Potential Temperature in the Mediterranean Sea Journal: Mathematics Editorial: MDPI - Open Access Publishing [10.3390/math9192523] Issn: 2227-7390 Volumen: 9
Number: 19
Type: Journal Articles Authors: Gonzalo Astray, B. Soto, Enrique Barreiro Alonso, Juan Francisco Gálvez Gálvez, Juan Carlos Mejuto
Title: From optics to dark matter: A review on nonlinear Schrödinger–Poisson systems Journal: PHYSICA D: Nonlinear Phenomena Editorial: Elsevier [10.1016/j.physd.2019.132301] Issn: 1872-8022 Volumen: 403
Pages: 1 - 19 Type: Journal Articles Authors: Ángel Paredes, David N. Olivieri, Humberto Michinel
Title: Providing Female Models and Promoting Vocations: A Practical Experience in STEM Fields Journal: IEEE REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE TECNOLOGIAS DEL APRENDIZAJE-IEEE RITA Editorial: IEEE Society [10.1109/RITA.2020.3033217] Issn: 1932-8540 Volumen: 15
Number: 4
Pages: 317 - 325 Type: Journal Articles Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez, Maria de las Nieves Lorenzo González, Julia Carballo Rodríguez
Title: CubeSat Handbook (Part II: CubeSat missions analysis and design, 12. Onboard software) Editorial: Elsevier Isbn: 9780128178843 Pages: 237 - 250 Type: Book Chapters Authors: Santiago Iglesias Cofán, A. Formella
YEAR 2019
Title: A didactic object-oriented, prototype-based visual programming environment Editorial: Elsevier [10.1016/j.scico.2019.02.004] Volumen: 176
Pages: 1 - 13 Type: Journal Articles Authors: Baltasar García Perez-Schofield, Francisco Ortín
Title: Accuracy of Bluetooth based Indoor Positioning using different Pattern Recognition Techniques Journal: Journal of Computer Science & Technology Editorial: Universidad Nacional De Argentina [10.24215/16666038.19.e01] Issn: 1666-6038 Volumen: 19
Number: 1
Pages: 1 - 7 Impact factor: 0.632 Base: JCR (Q3) Type: Journal Articles Authors: Leandro Rodríguez Liñares, María Rodríguez Damián, Xosé Antón Vila Sobrino
Title: An exploratory study of the standard reuse practice in a medium sized software development firm Journal: Computer Standards & Interfaces Editorial: Elsevier [10.1016/j.csi.2018.06.005 ] Issn: 0920-5489 Volumen: 61
Pages: 137 - 146 Impact factor: 2.441 Base: JCR (Q2) Type: Journal Articles Authors: José Luis Barros Justo, Fernando Pinciroli, David N. Olivieri
Title: Educational Value of Systematic Mapping Studies: A Replication Study Journal: Journal of Computer Science & Technology Editorial: Universidad Nacional De Argentina [10.24215/16666038.19.e12] Issn: 1666-6046 Volumen: 19
Number: 2
Pages: 123 - 131 Impact factor: 0.632 Base: JCR (Q3) Type: Journal Articles Authors: José Luis Barros Justo, Alejandro Gonzalez García, David N. Olivieri, Nelson Martínez Araujo
Title: Evidence Based Recommendations for Designing Heart Rate Variability Studies Journal: Journal of Medical Systems Editorial: Springer [10.1007/s10916-019-1437-8] Issn: 0148-5598 Volumen: 43
Number: 10
Pages: 311 - 320 Impact factor: 2.415 Base: JCR (Q2) Type: Journal Articles Authors: Xosé Antón Vila Sobrino, María José Lado Touriño, Pedro Cuesta Morales
Title: Fast switch and spline scheme for accurate inversion of nonlinear functions: The new first choice solution to Kepler’s equation Journal: Applied Mathematics and Computation Editorial: Elsevier [10.1016/j.amc.2019.124677] Volumen: 364
Impact factor: 3.092 Base: JCR (Q1/D1) Type: Journal Articles Authors: Daniele Tommasini, David N. Olivieri
Title: Iterative Variable Gene Discovery from Whole Genome Sequencing with a Bootstrapped Multiresolution Algorithm Journal: Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine Editorial: Hindawi Ltd [10.1155/2019/3780245] Issn: 1748-670X Impact factor: 1.563 Base: JCR (Q3) Type: Journal Articles Authors: David N. Olivieri, Francisco Gambón Deza
Title: Learning memory management with C-Sim: A C-based visual tool Journal: Computer Applications in Engineering Education Editorial: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing [10.1002/cae.22147] Issn: 1099-0542 Volumen: 27
Number: 5
Pages: 1217 - 1235 Impact factor: 1.435 Base: JCR (Q2) Type: Journal Articles Authors: Baltasar García Perez-Schofield, Francisco Ortín, Matías G. Rivera, María José Lado Touriño
Title: QMBlender: Particle-based visualization of 3D quantum wave function dynamics Journal: Journal of Computational Science Editorial: Elsevier [10.1016/j.jocs.2019.06.001] Issn: 1877-7503 Volumen: 35
Pages: 44 - 56 Impact factor: 2.502 Base: JCR (Q2) Type: Journal Articles Authors: Edgar Figueiras Gómez, Ángel Paredes, David N. Olivieri, Humberto Michinel
Title: Spectral estimation of HRV in signals with gaps Journal: Elsevier Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Editorial: Elsevier [10.1016/j.bspc.2019.04.006] Issn: 1746-8094 Volumen: 52
Pages: 187 - 197 Impact factor: 2.943 Base: JCR (Q2) Type: Journal Articles Authors: Leandro Rodríguez Liñares, D.M. Simpson
Title: The impact of Use Cases in real-world software development projects: A systematic mapping study Journal: Computer Standards & Interfaces Editorial: Elsevier [10.1016/j.csi.2019.103362] Issn: 0920-5489 Volumen: 66
Impact factor: 2.441 Base: JCR (Q2) Type: Journal Articles Authors: José Luis Barros Justo, Saurabh Tiwari, Fabiane B.V. Benitti
Title: Trends in software reuse research: A tertiary study Journal: Computer Standards & Interfaces Editorial: Elsevier [10.1016/j.csi.2019.04.011] Issn: 0920-5489 Volumen: 66
Impact factor: 2.441 Base: JCR (Q2) Type: Journal Articles Authors: José Luis Barros Justo, Fabiane B.V. Benitti, Santiago Matalonga
Title: Effect of signal loss on Cerebral Autorregulation assessment Conference Name: The International Symposium on Intracranial Pressure and Neuromonitoring (ICP 2019) Organizer: KU Leuven University Type: Conference Contributions Authors: D.M. Simpson, Leandro Rodríguez Liñares
Title: Sistema de apoyo al diagnóstico de electrocardiogramas Editorial: Universidade De Vigo Organizer: Arturo Méndez Penín, Mº José Lado Touriño Type: Phd Thesis Authors: Víctor Mondelo Visuña
YEAR 2018
Title: A background modeling and foreground detection algorithm using scaling coefficients defined with a color model called lightness-Red-Green-Blue Journal: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing Editorial: IEEE Society [10.1109/TIP.2017.2776742] Issn: 1057-7149 Volumen: 27
Number: 3
Pages: 1243 - 1258 Impact factor: 6.790 Base: JCR (Q1/D1) Type: Journal Articles Authors: Jesús Darío Romero Ávila, María José Lado Touriño, Arturo Méndez Penín
Title: An open source virtual laboratory for the Schrodinger equation Journal: European Journal of Physics Editorial: IOP Publishing Ltd [10.1088/1361-6404/aac999 ] Issn: 0143-0807 Volumen: 39
Number: 5
Impact factor: 0.861 Base: JCR (Q4) Type: Journal Articles Authors: Edgar Figueiras Gómez, Ángel Paredes, David N. Olivieri, Humberto Michinel
Title: Are You Sure You Are Happy? Journal: IEEE Latin America Transactions Editorial: IEEE Society [10.1109/TLA.2018.8362159] Issn: 1548-0992 Volumen: 16
Number: 4
Pages: 1213 - 1218 Impact factor: 0.804 Base: JCR (Q4) Type: Journal Articles Authors: José Luis Barros Justo, Nelson Martínez Araujo, Sergio G. Zapata
Title: Future challenges on the use of blockchain for food traceability analysis Journal: Trends in Analytical Chemistry Editorial: Elsevier [10.1016/j.trac.2018.08.011] Issn: 0165-9936 Volumen: 107
Pages: 222 - 232 Impact factor: 8.428 Base: JCR (Q1/D1) Type: Journal Articles Authors: Juan Francisco Gálvez Gálvez, Juan Carlos Mejuto, J. Simal
Title: Immunoglobulin and T cell receptor genes in Chinese crocodile lizard Shinisaurus crocodilurus Journal: Molecular Immunology Editorial: Elsevier [10.1016/j.molimm.2018.06.263] Issn: 0161-5890 Volumen: 101
Pages: 160 - 166 Impact factor: 3.064 Base: JCR (Q2) Type: Journal Articles Authors: Francisco Gambón Deza, David N. Olivieri
Title: Immunoglobulin genes in Primates Journal: Molecular Immunology Editorial: Elsevier [10.1016/j.molimm.2018.07.020] Issn: 0161-5890 Volumen: 101
Pages: 353 - 363 Impact factor: 3.064 Base: JCR (Q2) Type: Journal Articles Authors: David N. Olivieri, Francisco Gambón Deza
Title: Increasing temperature of cooling granular gases Journal: Nature Communications Editorial: Springer [10.1038/s41467-017-02803-7] Issn: 2041-1723 Volumen: 9
Pages: 1 - 9 Impact factor: 11.878 Base: JCR (Q1/D1) Type: Journal Articles Authors: Nikolai V. Brilliantov, A. Formella, Thorsten Pöschel
Title: Aplicación de la Variabilidad de la Frecuencia Cardíaca al Estudio de las Emociones Editorial: Universidade De Vigo Type: Phd Thesis Authors: Pedro Cuesta Morales
Title: Influence of normalization and color space to color texture classification Journal: Pattern Recognition Editorial: Elsevier [10.1016/j.patcog.2016.07.002] Issn: 0031-3203 Volumen: 61
Pages: 120 - 138 Impact factor: 3.965 Base: JCR (Q1/D1) Area: Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Type: Journal Articles Authors: Encarnación González Rufino, Eva Cernadas, Manuel Fernández Delgado, Pilar Carrión Pardo
Title: Influence of visual elicitation over emotion regulation: An investigation employing the heart rate variability Journal: Journal of Integrative Neuroscience Editorial: IOS Press [10.3233/JIN-170014] Issn: 0219-6352 Volumen: 16
Number: 2
Pages: 209 - 226 Impact factor: 0.662 Base: JCR (Q4) Type: Journal Articles Authors: María José Lado Touriño, Pedro Cuesta Morales, Alejandro García Caballero, Xosé Antón Vila Sobrino
Title: La Percepción del himno de Ecuador a través de la medición de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca (VFC) Journal: Razón y Palabra Issn: 1605-4806 Volumen: 21
Pages: 676 - 703 Type: Journal Articles Authors: José Rúas Araújo, María José Lado Touriño, Iván Puentes Rivera
Title: What software reuse benefits have been transferred to the industry? A systematic mapping study Journal: Information and Software Technology Editorial: Elsevier [10.1016/j.infsof.2018.06.003] Issn: 0950-5849 Volumen: 103
Pages: 1 - 21 Impact factor: 2.627 Base: JCR (Q1) Type: Journal Articles Authors: José Luis Barros Justo, Fernando Pinciroli, Santiago Matalonga, Nelson Martínez Araujo
Title: Aspect-Oriented Business Process Modeling Approaches: An assessment of AOP4ST Issn: 2451-7593 Pages: 40 - 47 Conference Name: Simposio Argentino de Ingeniería de Software (ASSE) - JAIIO 46 Type: Conference Contributions Authors: José Luis Barros Justo, Fernando Pinciroli, R. Forradellas
Title: Interpersonal Trust in Software Development Virtual Teams?: a Systematic Mapping Study Issn: 2451-7593 Pages: 58 - 66 Conference Name: XVIII Simposio Argentino de Ingeniería de Software (ASSE) - JAIIO 46 Type: Conference Contributions Authors: José Luis Barros Justo, Sergio G. Zapata, María R. Romagnano, Magdalena Arrón
Title: Towards an understanding of evolutive aspects of the adaptive immune system Pages: 7 - 8 Conference Name: 2nd Franco-Italian Mathematical Ecology Days Organizer: Università di Torino, Italia Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Philippe Robert, Sahamoddin Khailaie, David N. Olivieri, Francisco Gambón Deza
Title: Amphibians have immunoglobulins similar to ancestral IgD and IgA from Amniotes Journal: Molecular Immunology Editorial: Elsevier [DOI: 10.1016/j.molimm.2015.11.005] Volumen: 69
Pages: 52 - 61 Impact factor: 3.188 Base: JCR (Q2) Type: Journal Articles Authors: Olivia Estevez, Elina Garet, David N. Olivieri, Francisco Gambón Deza
Title: Exact calculation of the overlap volume of spheres and mesh elements Journal: Journal of Computational Physics Editorial: Elsevier [DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2016.02.003] Issn: 0021-9991 Volumen: 311
Pages: 142 - 157 Impact factor: 2.864 Base: JCR (Q1) Type: Journal Articles Authors: Strobl Severin, A. Formella, Thorsten Pöschel
Title: Humsat 2.0, a new generation of communication systems based on CubeSats constellations Pages: 54 - 56 City: London Conference Name: 8th European CubeSat Symposium Organizer: Knowledge Transfer Network and von Karman Institute Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Alberto González Muíño, Diego Nodar López, Fernando Aguado Agelet
Title: La percepción del himno de Ecuador a través de la medición de la Variabilidad de la Frecuencia Cardíaca (VFC) Editorial: AISTI - Asociación Ibérica De Sistemas Y Tecnologías De La Información Isbn: 978-989-98434-6-2 Pages: 295 - 299 Conference Name: CISTI 2016; 11ª Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de la Información Type: Conference Contributions Authors: José Rúas Araújo, María José Lado Touriño, Xosé Antón Vila Sobrino
Title: On orbit results of the HumSAT Payload, a data collection system based on CubeSats City: San Luis Obispo Country: CA, USA Conference Name: 2016 Cubesat developers' Workshop Organizer: CalPoly Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Alberto González Muíño, Diego Nodar López, Fernando Aguado Agelet
Title: Testing storage and metadata backends with ClawIO Editorial: On-line [http://cs3.ethz.ch/program.html] Conference Name: CS3: Cloud Services for Synchronisation and Sharing Organizer: ETH Zürich Type: Conference Contributions Authors: A. Formella, Hugo González Labrador
Title: Study of Political Campaign Ads from Ecuador Employing Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Journal: New Advances in Information Systems and Technologies Isbn: 978-3-319-31306-1 Volumen: 445
Pages: 421 - 430 Type: Book Chapters Authors: Pedro Cuesta Morales, Xosé Antón Vila Sobrino, José Rúas Araújo
Title: Análisis de texturas para la clasificación de células en imágenes histológicas de gónadas de peces Editorial: Universidade De Vigo Organizer: Eva Cernadas, Pilar Carrión Pardo, Arno Formella Type: Phd Thesis Authors: Encarnación González Rufino
Title: Diseño y desarrollo de una herramienta para el análisis cuantitativo automático de imágenes microscópicas: aplicación a la gestión de recursos marinos Editorial: Universidade De Vigo Organizer: Eva Cernadas, Pilar Carrión Pardo, Arno Formella Type: Phd Thesis Authors: José Manuel Pintor Freire
YEAR 2015
Title: A KPCA spatio-temporal differential geometric trajectory cloud classifier for recognizing human actions in a CBVR system Journal: Expert Systems with Applications Editorial: Elsevier [10.1016/j.eswa.2015.03.010] Issn: 0957-4174 Volumen: 42
Number: 13
Pages: 5472 - 5490 Impact factor: 2.981 Base: JCR (Q1) Area: Computer Science, Artificial Inteligence Type: Journal Articles Authors: David N. Olivieri, Iván Gómez Conde
Title: A located and user personalized event's dissemination platform Journal: Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems: Applications in Engineering and Technology Editorial: IOS Press Issn: 1064-1246 Volumen: 28
Number: 1
Pages: 71 - 81 Impact factor: 1.004 (Q3) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Computer Science, Artificial Inteligence Type: Journal Articles Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez, Juan Ignacio Costa Dasilva, J.C. González-Moreno, D. Ramos-Valcárcel
Title: Evolution of V genes from the TRV loci of mammals Journal: Immunogenetics Editorial: Springer Issn: 0093-7711 Volumen: 67
Number: 7
Pages: 371 - 384 Impact factor: 2.303 (Q3) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Immunology Type: Journal Articles Authors: David N. Olivieri, Francisco Gambón Deza, Santiago Gambón Cerdá
Title: Flight results: Reliability and lifetime of the polymeric 3D-printed antenna deployment mechanism installed on Xatcobeo & Humsat-D Journal: Acta Astronautica Editorial: Elsevier Issn: 0094-5765 Volumen: 107
Pages: 290 - 300 Impact factor: 1.095 (Q1) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Engineering, Aerospace Type: Journal Articles Authors: Alberto González Muíño, José Antonio Vilán Vilán, Fernando Aguado Agelet, López Estévez Miguel
Title: Influence Prediction of Alkylamines upon Electrical Percolation of AOT-based Microemulsions using Artificial Neural Networks Journal: Tenside Surfactants Detergents Editorial: Carl Hanser Verlag Issn: 0932-3414 Volumen: 52
Number: 6
Pages: 473 - 476 Country: Alemania Impact factor: 0.678 (Q3) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Engineering, Chemical Type: Journal Articles Authors: Juan Francisco Gálvez Gálvez, Antonio Cid Samamed, Iago Montoya, Oscar A. Moldes, Gonzalo Astray, Juan Carlos Mejuto
Title: Mining unstructured data to support requirements elicitation by using controlled vocabularies: A systematic mapping study Journal: Dyna-Colombia Issn: 0012-7353 Volumen: 82
Number: 193
Pages: 165 - 169 Type: Journal Articles Authors: José Luis Barros Justo
Title: Ontology Matching: A Literature Review Journal: Expert Systems with Applications Editorial: Elsevier Issn: 0957-4174 Volumen: 42
Number: 2
Pages: 949 - 971 Impact factor: 2.981 (Q1) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Computer Science, Artificial Inteligence Type: Journal Articles Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez, Lorena Otero Cerdeira, Francisco Javier Rodríguez Martínez
Title: PEABS: A Process for developing Efficient Agent-Based Simulators Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Editorial: Elsevier [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2015.09.003] Issn: 0952-1976 Volumen: 46, Part A
Pages: 104 - 112 Impact factor: 2.368 (Q1) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Computer Science, Artificial Inteligence Type: Journal Articles Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez, I. García Magariño, J.C. González-Moreno, Guillermo Palacios-Navarro
Title: Stabilizing 3D in vivo intravital microscopy images with an iteratively refined soft-tissue model for immunology experiments Journal: Computers in Biology and Medicine Editorial: Elsevier Issn: 0010-4825 Volumen: 64
Pages: 246 - 260 Impact factor: 1.521 (Q2) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Mathematical and Computational Biology Type: Journal Articles Authors: Tadokoro, C., Susana S. Caetano, Iván Gómez Conde, David N. Olivieri
Title: V genes in primates from whole genome sequencing data Journal: Immunogenetics Editorial: Springer Issn: 0093-7711 Volumen: 67
Pages: 211 - 228 Impact factor: 2.303 (Q3) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Immunology Type: Journal Articles Authors: David N. Olivieri, Francisco Gambón Deza
Title: Preliminary noise measurements campaign carried out by HUMSAT-D during 2014 City: Prague Country: Czech Republic Conference Name: ITU-R Conference and Workshop on the Small Satellite Regulation and Communication Systems Organizer: ITU Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Alberto González Muíño, Diego Nodar López, Fernando Aguado Agelet
Title: An indoor fall detection system for patients and elders Editorial: Universidade De Vigo Organizer: Arturo Méndez Penín, Mª José Lado Touriño Type: Phd Thesis Authors: Jesús Daría Romero Ávila
Title: Definition of an ontology matching algorithm for context integration in smart cities Journal: Sensors Editorial: MDPI - Open Access Publishing Issn: 1424-8220 Volumen: 14
Number: 12
Pages: 23581 - 23619 City: Basel Impact factor: 2.033 (Q1) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Instruments and Instrumentation Type: Journal Articles Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez, Lorena Otero Cerdeira, Francisco Javier Rodríguez Martínez
Title: Detection of premature ventricular contractions using the RR-interval signal: a simple algorithm for mobile devices Journal: Technology and Health Care Editorial: IOS Press Issn: 0928-7329 Volumen: 22
Number: 4
Pages: 651 - 656 Impact factor: 0.678 (Q4) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Engineering, Biomedical Type: Journal Articles Authors: Pedro Cuesta Morales, Xosé Antón Vila Sobrino, María José Lado Touriño, Raúl Alonso Álvarez
Title: Heart rate variability in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a home care program Journal: Technology and Health Care Editorial: IOS Press Issn: 0928-7329 Volumen: 22
Number: 1
Pages: 91 - 98 Impact factor: 0.678 (Q4) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Engineering, Biomedical Type: Journal Articles Authors: Xosé Antón Vila Sobrino, Carlos Zamarrón, T. Teijeiro, E. Morete, Paulo Felix Lamas, María José Lado Touriño
Title: Intravital microscopy technique to study parasite dynamics in the labyrinth layer of the mouse placenta. Journal: Parasitology International Editorial: Elsevier Issn: 1383-5769 Volumen: 63
Pages: 254 - 259 Impact factor: 1.86 (Q2) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Parasitology Type: Journal Articles Authors: David N. Olivieri, Tadokoro, C., Flávia A. Lima, Paula A. Videira, Claudo R.F. Marinho, Iván Gómez Conde
Title: Stable algorithm for event detection in event-driven particle dynamics Journal: Computational Particle Mechanics Editorial: Springer [DOI: 10.1007/s40571-014-0021-8] Issn: 2196-4378 Volumen: 1
Number: 2
Pages: 191 - 198 Impact factor: 2.206 Base: JCR (Q2) Type: Journal Articles Authors: Marcus N. Bannerman, Strobl Severin, A. Formella, Thorsten Pöschel
Title: Enhancing Alignment Results in Ontology Matching for Smart Cities Pages: 55 - 65 City: Lund Country: Sweden Conference Name: 13th International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research / 2nd International Workshop on Ontologies and Information Systems Type: Conference Contributions Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez, Lorena Otero Cerdeira, Francisco Javier Rodríguez Martínez
Title: 20 - In Vivo Tracking of Mononuclear Cells in the Virgin Uterus and in Implantation Sites Journal: The Guide to Investigation of Mouse Pregnancy Editorial: Elsevier Isbn: 978-0-12-394445-0 Pages: 243 - 250 Type: Book Chapters Authors: Tadokoro, C., David N. Olivieri, Ana Claudia Zenclussen
Title: Algoritmia de procesamiento espacio-temporal en secuencias de imágenes para alineación y reconocimiento automáico de movimientos Editorial: Universidade De Vigo Organizer: David Olivieri Cecchi, Xosé Antón Vila Sobrino Type: Phd Thesis Authors: Iván Gómez Conde
Title: Study and application of new methods for ontology matching Editorial: Universidade De Vigo Organizer: Francisco Javier Rodríguez Martínez Type: Phd Thesis Authors: Lorena Otero Cerdeira
Title: A Comparison of Three QRS Detection Algorithms Over a Public Database Journal: Procedia Technology Editorial: Elsevier [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.protcy.2013.12.129] Issn: 2212-0173 Volumen: 9
Pages: 1159 - 1165 Type: Journal Articles Authors: Raúl Alonso Álvarez, Arturo Méndez Penín, Xosé Antón Vila Sobrino
Title: An automated algorithm for extracting functional immunologic V-genes from genomes in jawed vertebrates. Journal: Immunogenetics Editorial: Springer Issn: 0093-7711 Volumen: 65
Pages: 691 - 702 Impact factor: 2.303 (Q3) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Immunology Type: Journal Articles Authors: David N. Olivieri, Francisco Gambón Deza, Bernardo von Haeften, Christian Sánchez Espinal, José Faro
Title: Esters Flash Point Prediction using Artificial Neural Networks Journal: Journal of Computational Chemistry Editorial: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Issn: 0192-8651 Volumen: 34
Pages: 355 - 359 Impact factor: 3.648 (Q1) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Chemistry, Multidisciplinary Type: Journal Articles Authors: Juan Francisco Gálvez Gálvez, Gonzalo Astray, Juan Carlos Mejuto, Oscar A. Moldes, Iago Montoya
Title: Exhaustive comparison of color texture features and classification methods to discriminate cells categories in histological images of fish ovary Journal: Pattern Recognition Editorial: Elsevier Issn: 0031-3203 Volumen: 46
Pages: 2391 - 2407 Impact factor: 3.399 (Q1) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Computer Science, Artificial Inteligence Type: Journal Articles Authors: Encarnación González Rufino, Pilar Carrión Pardo, Eva Cernadas, Manuel Fernández Delgado, Rosario Domínguez Petit
Title: Intravital Placenta Imaging Reveals Microcirculatory Dynamics Impact on Sequestration and Phagocytosis of Plasmodium-Infected Erythrocytes. Journal: PLoS Pathogens Editorial: PLoS Pathogens Issn: 1553-7366 Volumen: 9
Number: 1
Impact factor: 7.003 (Q1) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Parasitology Type: Journal Articles Authors: David N. Olivieri, Tadokoro, C., Carlos Penha Gonçalves, Luciana Vieira de Moraes, Iván Gómez Conde
Title: Software tool for 3D extraction of germinal centers Journal: BMC Bioinformatics Editorial: BioMed Central Issn: 1471-2105 Volumen: 14
Impact factor: 2.435 (Q1) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Mathematical and Computational Biology Type: Journal Articles Authors: David N. Olivieri, Merly Mayela Escalona Fermín, José Faro
Title: Techniques for Visualization of Cell-Cell Contact at the Fetal-Maternal Interface. Journal: American Journal of Reproductive Immunology Editorial: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Issn: 1600-0897 Volumen: 69
Number: 4
Pages: 419 - 426 Impact factor: 2.916 (Q2) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Immunology Type: Journal Articles Authors: David N. Olivieri, Tadokoro, C.
Title: A theoretical and practical evaluation of ontologies applied to a MAS in the field of ornamental plants, using ontology alignment techniques Isbn: 978-84-695-8319-7 Pages: 61 - 66 City: Madrid Country: Spain Conference Name: XIV Workshop on Physical Agents (WAF) Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Loxo Lueiro Astray, Lorena Otero Cerdeira, Cástor Sánchez Chao, Francisco Javier Rodríguez Martínez
Title: Description and evaluation of algorithms for ontology matching Isbn: 978-989856538-9 Volumen: 2
Pages: 492 - 495 City: Barcelona Country: Spain Conference Name: 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART'13) Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Mario Blanco Alonso, Lorena Otero Cerdeira, Francisco Javier Rodríguez Martínez
Title: Indoor Tracking Persons Using Bluetooth: A Real Experiment with Different Fingerprinting-Based Algorithms Journal: Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-319-00565-2 Pages: 25 - 32 Type: Book Chapters Authors: Xosé Antón Vila Sobrino, María Rodríguez Damián, Leandro Rodríguez Liñares
YEAR 2012
Title: In vivo Multiphoton Microscopy Technique to Reveal the Physiology of the Mouse Placenta Journal: American Journal of Reproductive Immunology Editorial: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Issn: 1600-0897 Volumen: 68
Number: 3
Pages: 271 - 278 Impact factor: 2.916 (Q2) Base: JCR 2015 Area: Immunology Type: Journal Articles Authors: David N. Olivieri, Tadokoro, C., Michael L. Dustin, Ana Claudia Zenclussen
Title: Agent Oriented Software Engineering for Multimedia Systems' Development - An Experimental Case Study (in Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering) Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-989-8565-13-6 Pages: 85 - 94 City: Wroclaw Country: Poland Conference Name: ENASE 2012 - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering Type: Conference Contributions Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez, J.C. González-Moreno, D. Ramos-Valcárcel
Title: Biological Knowledge Integration in DNA Microarray Gene Expression Classification Based on Rough Set Theory Editorial: Springer [AISC series] Isbn: 978-3-642-28838-8 Issn: 1867-5662 Volumen: 154
Pages: 53 - 61 City: Salamanca Country: Spain Conference Name: 6th International Conference of Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (PACBB'12) Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Juan Francisco Gálvez Gálvez, Diego Calvo Domínguez, Florentino Fernández Riverola, Daniel González Peña
Title: Multi-agent systems and ontologies applied to new industrial domains - Case study: Ornamental plants Editorial: SciTePress Isbn: 978-989-8565-30-3 Pages: 357 - 364 City: Barcelona Country: Spain Conference Name: International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD 2012) Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Loxo Lueiro Astray, Lorena Otero Cerdeira, Tito Valencia Requejo, Francisco Javier Rodríguez Martínez
Title: Multi-agent systems applied to the field of ornamental plants Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-642-33689-8 Pages: 139 - 153 City: Trier Country: Germany Conference Name: 10th German conference on Multiagent System Technologies Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Lorena Otero Cerdeira, Tito Valencia Requejo, Francisco Javier Rodríguez Martínez
Title: Common scab detection on potatoes using an infrared hyperspectral imaging system Editorial: Springer [LNCS] Isbn: 978-3-642-24087-4 Issn: 0302-9743 Pages: 303 - 312 City: Ravenna Country: Italy Conference Name: 16th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP'2011) Impact factor: CORE 2008 B Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Pilar Carrión Pardo, A. Formella, Ángel Dacal Nieto, Manuel Fernández Delgado, Esteban Vázquez Fernández
Title: Ingeniería de Software Orientada a Agentes para el Modelado de Aventuras Gráficas City: Chaves Country: Portugal Conference Name: 6th Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de la Información Type: Conference Contributions Authors: D. Ramos-Valcárcel
Title: Modelling Serious Games using AOSE methodologies Journal: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA) Isbn: 978-1-4577-1675-1 Pages: 53 - 58 City: Córdoba Country: Spain Impact factor: CORE 2008 C Type: Conference Contributions Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez, J.C. González-Moreno, D. Ramos-Valcárcel, L. Vázquez López
Title: Multimedia Smart Process (MSP) Isbn: 978-1-4577-1487-0 Pages: 1 - 6 City: Chaves Country: Portugal Conference Name: 6th Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de la Información Type: Conference Contributions Authors: D. Ramos-Valcárcel, Carlos Hernán Fajardo, Javier De la Peña Ojea
Title: Statistical and Wavelet Based Texture Features for Fish Oocytes Classification Editorial: Springer [LNCS 6669] Isbn: 978-3-642-21257-4 Pages: 403 - 410 City: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Country: Spain Conference Name: Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IBPRIA'2011) Impact factor: CORE 2008 C Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Pilar Carrión Pardo, A. Formella, Encarnación González Rufino, Eva Cernadas, Manuel Fernández Delgado
Title: TUGLabWeb: Interfaz web para juegos TU Journal: Proceedings of the X Congreso Gallego de Estadística e Investigación de Operacións Isbn: 978-84-938642-2-4 Pages: 1 - 6 City: Pontevedra Country: Spain Type: Conference Contributions Authors: D. Ramos-Valcárcel, Ruben P. Grande Cougil, Manuel A. Mosquera Rodríguez
Title: Using a Controlled Language in Spanish to specify the architectural design of a Multiagent System Editorial: IEEE Society Isbn: 978-1-4577-1675-1 Issn: 2164-7143 Pages: 47 - 52 City: Córdoba Country: Spain Conference Name: 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA) Impact factor: CORE 2008 C Type: Conference Contributions Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez, J.C. González-Moreno, D. Ramos-Valcárcel, L. Vázquez López
Title: Using Multi-Agent Systems to Visualize Text Descriptions Journal: Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-642-19874-8 Issn: 1967-5662 Volumen: 88
Pages: 39 - 45 City: Salamanca Country: Spain Conference Name: 9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems (PAAMS'2011) Impact factor: CORE 2008 C Type: Book Chapters Authors: J.C. González-Moreno, E. Bolaño Rodríguez, D. Ramos-Valcárcel, L. Vázquez López
Title: Ingeniería de software orientada a agentes en el modelado de sistemas multimedia Editorial: Universidade De Vigo Organizer: Juan Carlos González Moreno Type: Phd Thesis Authors: D. Ramos-Valcárcel
Title: Procesamiento de imagen y visión hiperespectral para el control de calidad en la industria de la patata Editorial: Universidade De Vigo Organizer: Pilar Carrión Pardo, Arno Formella Type: Phd Thesis Authors: Ángel Dacal Nieto
YEAR 2010
Title: A technique for defining agent-oriented engineering processes with tool support Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Editorial: Elsevier Issn: 0952-1976 Volumen: 23
Pages: 432 - 444 Type: Journal Articles Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez, J.C. González-Moreno, R. Fuentes Fernández, I. García Magariño
Title: BotBlog: una propuesta de integración de bitácoras y agentes Journal: Sistemas y Telemática Issn: 1692-5238 Volumen: 8
Number: 15
City: Universidad Icesi Country: Colombia Type: Journal Articles Authors: J.C. González-Moreno, D. Ramos-Valcárcel, Carlos Hernán Fajardo
Title: A Comparative Study of Microarray Data Classification Methods Based on Ensemble Biological Relevant Gene Sets Journal: Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-642-13214-8 Issn: 1967-5662 Volumen: 74
Pages: 25 - 32 City: Guimaraes Country: Portugal Conference Name: 4th International Workshop on Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 2010 (IWPACBB 2010) Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Florentino Fernández Riverola, Juan Francisco Gálvez Gálvez, Rosalía Laza Fidalgo, Miguel Reboiro Jato, Daniel González Peña, F. Díaz
Title: Comparing Agile Processes for Agent Oriented Software Engineering Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-642-13791-4 Pages: 599 - 606 City: Limerick Country: Ireland Conference Name: 11th International Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (PROFES) Impact factor: CORE 2008 B Type: Conference Contributions Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez, J.C. González-Moreno
Title: Control de calidad en uva mediante visión artificial City: Bilbao Country: Spain Conference Name: XXV Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio Type: Conference Contributions Authors: A. Formella, Ángel Dacal Nieto, Fernando Martín Rodríguez
Title: Application of a Modeling Standard Language on the Definition of Agent Oriented Development Processes (in Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems) Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-642-12432-7 Issn: 1867-5662 Volumen: 71
Pages: 363 - 370 Type: Book Chapters Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez, J.C. González-Moreno
Title: Metamodelos de Procesos de Desarrollo Software y Sistemas Multiagente Editorial: Universidade De Vigo Organizer: Juan Carlos González Moreno Type: Phd Thesis Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez
Title: Compilador de Software Libre bajo Windows: LAZARUS City: Vigo Country: Spain Conference Name: 1st Congreso de Docencia Universitaria Type: Conference Contributions Authors: F. Riesco Peláez, L. Vázquez López
Title: Definition of Process Models for Agent-Based Development Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-642-01337-9 Pages: 29 - 36 City: Estoril Country: Portugal Conference Name: 9th International Workshop Impact factor: CORE 2008 C Type: Conference Contributions Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez, J.C. González-Moreno, I. García Magariño
Title: INGENIAS-SCRUM Development Process for Multi-Agent Development Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-540-85862-1 Issn: 1867-5662, pp. 108-117 Volumen: 50
Conference Name: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI'2008) Type: Conference Contributions Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez, J.C. González-Moreno, I. García Magariño, J. Gómez-Sanz
Title: Localización de caracteres en imágenes de instrumentación digital Isbn: 978-84-8102-550-7 City: Santander Country: Spain Conference Name: XXIV Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Ángel Dacal Nieto, Higinio González Jorge, Fernando Martín Rodríguez
Title: Methodology vs. Development Process: A Case Study for AOSE Journal: Distributed Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft Computing, and Ambient Assisted Living Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-642-02480-1 Pages: 29 - 36 Conference Name: 10th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN Type: Conference Contributions Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez, J.C. González-Moreno
Title: Modeling Processes of AOSE Methodologies by Means of a New Editor Editorial: Springer Isbn: 978-3-540-85862-1 Issn: 1867-5662 Volumen: 50
Pages: 672 - 681 Conference Name: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI'2008) Type: Conference Contributions Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez, J.C. González-Moreno, I. García Magariño
Title: Redes Neuronales Artificiales: una herramienta prometedora para evaluar la autenticidad de los vinos. Relación entre las propiedades fisicoquímicas y el proceso de vinificación Journal: 10th Congreso Nacional de Investigación Enológica City: Ourense Country: Spain Type: Conference Contributions Authors: Juan Francisco Gálvez Gálvez, J.A. Ferreiro-Lage, Gonzalo Astray, J.X Castillo, Juan Carlos Mejuto
Title: Using Techniques Based on Natural Language in the Development Process of Multiagent Systems Isbn: 978-3-540-85862-1 Issn: ISSN 1867-5662 Volumen: 50
Pages: 269 - 273 Conference Name: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI'2008) Type: Conference Contributions Authors: J.C. González-Moreno, L. Vázquez López
Title: V-MAS: A Video Conference Multiagent System Journal: Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems Editorial: Springer [Series Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing] Isbn: ISBN 978-3-642-00487-2 Issn: 1867-5662 Pages: 284 - 292 City: Lisboa Country: Portugal Conference Name: 7th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems Type: Conference Contributions Authors: A. Gómez-Rodríguez, J.C. González-Moreno, Gonzalo Astray, Rubén Romero González
Title: Aplicación de Técnicas e Tecnoloxías de Procesamento da Linguaxe Natural ó Modelado de Sistemas Multi-axente. Editorial: Universidade De Vigo Organizer: Juan Carlos González Moreno Type: Phd Thesis Authors: L. Vázquez López
YEAR 2008
Title: Contact of granular particles and the simulation of rapid flows using event- driven molecular dynamics Journal: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering Editorial: Taylor & Francis [(former Lavoisier)] Issn: 1964-8189 Volumen: 12
Number: 7
Pages: 827 - 870 Impact factor: 0.306 (Q4) Base: JCS 2013 Area: Civil Engineering Type: Journal Articles Authors: A. Formella, Thorsten Pöschel, C. Krülle, C. Salueña, M. Heckel, Nikolai V. Brilliantov, Patric Müller, T. Schwager
Title: Making optical vortices with computer-generated holograms Journal: American Journal of Physics Editorial: American Association Of Physics Teachers [10.1119/1.2955792] Issn: 0002-9505 Volumen: 76
Number: 10
Pages: 916 - 921 Impact factor: 0.831 Base: JCR (Q3) Type: Journal Articles Authors: David N. Olivieri, Humberto Michinel, José Ramón Salgueiro
Title: Aid for the diagnostic of osteoporosis based on shape parameters of bones in radiological images Journal: Osteoporosis International Editorial: Springer Issn: 0937-941X Volumen: 18
Impact factor: 4.290 (Q1) Base: JCR 2013 Area: Endocrinology and Metabolism Type: Journal Articles Authors: A. Formella, Eva Cernadas, Sonia Dapía, José Manuel Rodríguez Rodríguez, José Ramón Caeiro
Title: Granular gas cooling and relaxation to the steady state in regard to the overpopulated tail of the velocity distribution Journal: International Journal of Modern Physics C Editorial: World Scientific Publishing Issn: 0129-1831 Volumen: 18
Number: 4
Pages: 701 - 711 Impact factor: 0.728 (Q4) Base: JCR 2013 Type: Journal Articles Authors: A. Formella, Thorsten Pöschel, Nikolai V. Brilliantov
Title: Búsqueda Aproximada de Patrones de Puntos en 2D y 3D Editorial: Fundación Alfredo Brañas [COLECCIÓN INFORMÁTICA 13/2007] Isbn: 84-934497-0-9 Pages: 95 - 120 Type: Book Chapters Authors: A. Formella
YEAR 2006
Title: Automatic detection and classification of grains of pollen based on shape and texture Journal: IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C Editorial: IEEE Society Issn: 1094-6977 Volumen: 36
Number: 4
Pages: 531 - 542 Impact factor: 1.375 (Q3) Base: JCR 2013 Type: Journal Articles Authors: A. Formella, Eva Cernadas, Manuel Fernández Delgado, Pilar Sá Otero, María Rodríguez Damián
Title: Impact of high-energy tails on granular gas properties Journal: Physical Review E Editorial: The American Physical Society Issn: 1539-3755 Volumen: 74
Number: 4
Pages: 041302 - 041302 Impact factor: 2.508 Base: JCR 2013 Type: Journal Articles Authors: A. Formella, Thorsten Pöschel, Nikolai V. Brilliantov
Title: Comparison of region and edge segmentation approaches to recognize fish oocytes in histological images Journal: Lecture Notes on Computer Science Editorial: Springer Issn: 0302-9743 Volumen: 4142
Pages: 853 - 864 Conference Name: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition Type: Conference Contributions Authors: A. Formella, Eva Cernadas, Rosario Domínguez Petit, Juan Francisco Saborido Rey, Silvia Alén González
YEAR 2005
Title: A view point dependent approach to ray trace free-form surfaces Journal: Computer Graphics Forum Editorial: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing [[10.1111/j.1467-8659.2004.00748.x]] Issn: 0167-7055 Volumen: 23
Number: 2
Pages: 143 - 155 Impact factor: 1.860 Base: JCR 2013 Area: Computer Science and Software Engineering Type: Journal Articles Authors: A. Formella, Kerstin Müller
Title: Clasificación automática y recuento de granos de polen a partir de imágenes digitales de microscopía óptica Editorial: Universidade De Vigo Organizer: Eva Cernadas Garcia, Arno Formella. Mª Pilar Sá Otero Type: Phd Thesis Authors: María Rodríguez Damián
YEAR 2003
Title: Algoritmos de clasificación de texturas para la determinación del origen floral del polen apícola Editorial: Universidade De Vigo Organizer: Eva Cernadas García, Mº Pilar Sá Otero Type: Phd Thesis Authors: Pilar Carrión Pardo
YEAR 2002
Title: Optimization methods for optimal transmitter locations in a mobile wireless system Journal: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology Editorial: IEEE Society Issn: 0018-9545 Volumen: 51
Number: 6
Pages: 1316 - 1321 Impact factor: 1.308 (Q2) Base: JCR 2013 Area: Electrical and Electronic Engineering Type: Journal Articles Authors: A. Formella, Fernando Aguado Agelet, Áurea Martínez Varela, Lino J. Álvarez Vázquez, José María Hernando Rábanos
Title: Deterministic modelling and acceleration techniques for ray-path searching in urban and suburban environments Journal: COST Action 255 Final Report: Radiowave propagation modelling for SatCom services at Ku-band and above Editorial: European Space Agency (ESA) Publications Division Isbn: 9-290-92608-2 Pages: 4.6.-1 - 4.6.34 Type: Book Chapters Authors: A. Formella, Fernando Aguado Agelet, Peter Cullen, José María Hernando Rábanos, C. Brennen
YEAR 1999
Title: An approach to declarative programming based on a rewriting logic Journal: The Journal of Logic Programming Editorial: Elsevier Issn: 0743-1066 Volumen: 40
Number: 1
Pages: 47 - 87 Type: Journal Articles Authors: J.C. González-Moreno